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What should you do if
you find a live wild animal in a snare?
If you discover a live wild animal caught in a snare in the Western Cape, call the Snare Free hotline for assistance:
076 127 8485
Keep your distance from the animal, and have the following information available for the hotline operator:
Location (GPS coordinates/pin preferable)
Animal species/description (if known)
Your contact number
Consider your safety, the animal’s safety and other people’s safety.
Keep your distance from the animal, keep noise to a minimum and advise other people to refrain from entering the area.
you find a domestic animal or livestock caught in a snare?
Please inform the landowner and/or contact your closest veterinary clinic.
you find a dead animal caught in a snare?
For wildlife, please report the incident to your nearest CapeNature regional office. For other animals, please inform the landowner. If your own livestock have been caught in a snare, please inform your nearest South African Police Service Stock Theft Unit (this can be reported via the 10111 call centre). Please also record the incident via the Cape Leopard Trust’s Data Portal. You will need to provide the location and a photograph.
you find empty snares?
Please take a photo and report it to the Cape Leopard Trust’s online Data Portal. You will need to provide the location and a photograph. Then carefully remove and dispose of the snare/s responsibly, so as to ensure that they cannot be used again. Also see our Resources page.
you discover wildlife injured in any other way?
On a nature reserve, please contact the reserve/conservation management or your nearest
CapeNature regional office.
For anywhere else, contact your closest SPCA or veterinary clinic for assistance.
Do you require assistance with a wildlife-related issue outside of the Western Cape?
Start by contacting your provincial conservation authority.