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What is a snare?

A snare is an anchored noose made from wire, rope or cable that is used to capture or kill an animal. Snares are classified as traps and are therefore an illegal hunting method under a number of acts in South African legislation.

Snares are often placed on game trails, fence lines and close to animal burrows. Animals caught in snares can be seriously hurt or maimed, especially if they have struggled for a long time to escape. Snares are inhumane, indiscriminate and capture a wide range of species.

The use of snares is becoming more common across the Western Cape. They have significant negative impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem function. In the Western Cape, snares mostly target small species such as antelope and porcupines. But snaring can lead to many unforeseen consequences: They remove prey animals that leopards, caracals and other predators eat, and this may increase the likelihood that predators hunt livestock.


How snaring can affect people

Snaring can also have negative consequences for people.

Bushmeat is sometimes harvested from rotting or sick animals. Consuming this meat may cause severe illness, infections and disease. Predators that are injured in snares but manage to escape may hunt pets and livestock, and injured animals that escape from snares can be dangerous to people.

Please report snares on the Cape Leopard Trust’s Data Portal. Data collected from live animal incidents in combination with your snare reports will help with targeted snare awareness, snare patrol training, and allow for resources to be sent to properties in identified snaring hotspots.

How landowners can help stop snaring:


Take a zero-tolerance approach to snaring. Include a dismissal clause in your contracts if staff are caught snaring. 


Openly communicate with staff about snaring. Work with your team to show them how bad snare hunting is and tell them of the consequences that snare hunters face. 


As a landowner or manager of an agricultural enterprise, you’re encouraged to share information about snaring with your employees. You can do this during staff inductions and orientations. Please also display Snare Aware posters in areas where staff congregate and show Snare Aware videos at staff inductions.


Conduct regular snare patrols to remove snares. Download the Snare Patrol Guide for information on how to conduct effective snare patrols.


Limit access to materials such as wire, nylon and cable.

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